Thursday, August 28, 2008


"So here it is, Portfolio Preview, the event that makes or breaks you. If I don't pass this I'm gonna scream."

This thought flew through my mind as I walked down Peachtree Street back to my overpriced, too small, 2-bedroom apartment, (with a great view mind you), that I share with my roommate. I clutched my portfolio book and focused on Chrisette Michele's 'Best of Me' which was blasting in my ears at the moment. This really is the best of me. But is it enough? Almost 4 years they have scared us to death with even the mention of this thing and here it is. In less than 4 hours I will be face to face with the old 'I know everything about design' monsters themselves, and they will determine if I have the ability to go to my final class and possibly graduate on time. Yeah that's right, possibly, because after this I have to do portfolio which is worse. I have almost killed myself in the past month and 1/2, working from dawn til dusk (or class/work), not eating properly, not working on my classwork, and turning to the bottle when I got overstressed. Everyone keeps telling
me "Oh, you have nothing to worry about. Your work looks good." HA! tell that to the magic 8 ball.

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