Monday, September 29, 2008

The Internship part 2

So things are looking up for me. I have recently been talking to a person whom I highly admire, and they have made me realize that things could be worse and I can survive...since talking to this person things have looked up. Well I did lose my wallet...but everything else is good.

I have my first internship interview in two days! I am so excited. Well this isn't technically my first internship I did one previously with the City and well...I just hope that if I get this one I will be able to learn some real design skills, and not just be a fill in for the office designer (which they didn't have.) This is also a company that has done packaging design, which I have come to realize is something I really like to do, despite avoiding it for the majority of my college years. Really I think it may be something I really end up doing...that is unless I can find a magazine that will take me, that too would be awesome.

In other news this is my last week of freedom. I have to find something fun to do before classes start.

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